Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mama's Day

Yesterday was my scheduled "Mama's Day". Perhaps it would be better labeled "Mama's Afternoon", but you do what you can when you have 4 little ones. So here is a little of my Mama afternoon. Thanks to my parents birthday gift I was able to get a pedicure this afternoon, which was wonderful. I have not had one in a couple of years and it was such a treat. The massage chair was actually pretty nice too.
After my pedicure, I went down the street to Quills and found the perfect 2-topper where, contrary to my nature, I was able to face away from everyone and focus on praying, reading and writing. While sipping on my decaf mocha, I journaled, prayed for the baby, me, the delivery, a lot of things. I read over the thoughts and Scriptures posted on Passionate Homemaking's preparation blog post, which helped me in focusing my prayers and thoughts. I was very tired, which was challenging, but it helped me in seeing how much I need God all the more. I really thought I was quite unprepared for this birth, but I found as I prayed that in some respects I was more prepared than ever before. Perhaps I have learned to prepare throughout more than I realized. I still need much time to rest and pray as the day draws near and I seek His timing in all of this. After this I decided to read some for fun without any thought. It was refreshing to sit and read just because and feel no guilt. I listed dates I need to attempt to be intentional in resting or having extended prayer time, then headed to the store.
It is always nice to end a relaxing day with good deals. It was short and I could really do it again. If it is possible I might. There is more I probably could have done, but it was good.

Here is a post to read another's thoughts on preparing for motherhood.

How would you spend your Mama's Day?

1 comment:

  1. When I was pregnant, I loved to grab a decaf mocha frappachino and get a spa pedicure. That combination helped me relax and feel spoiled. Plus, having freshly painted toes is a must in my delivery room! :)


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