Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Normal Discomforts

Throughout pregnancy, your body is changing as your baby grows. These changes can cause many discomforts that, under normal circumstances, might be something to be concerned about, but are quite normal for pregnancy.

Round ligament pain
The round ligaments are several thick ligaments that surround and support the uterus. As the uterus grows during pregnancy, the ligaments are stretched and can cause pain in the lower abdominal and groin areas. It is usually a sharp sudden pain and can be very uncomfortable, but will go away relatively soon. Sudden movements are the most likely to cause it to occur, such as sneezing, turning quickly, coughing, laughing and rolling over. Doing things slowly is the best way to avoid this discomfort, but there are times when it is unavoidable. When you feel it, just stop for a moment and wait for it to subside.

Mild Cramping
As your uterus grows with a growing baby, it will often times cramp a little here and there. This can also happen after having intercourse or doing strenuous exercise. As long as there is no bleeding or worsening of the cramps, this is normal and part of the expected discomforts of pregnancy. Drink lots of water and if it is bothersome, use mild heat to help alleviate the feeling.

Sciatic Pain
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body that provides sensory and motor function to the lower part of the body. This is some of the worst pain during pregnancy that can be quite normal. You feel it at the top of the gluts and it often radiates down the leg(s). It is sharp and stabbing. This nerve can easily be pinched as the baby grows and moves around causing this pain to happen. The best way to alleviate the pain is to lie on your side opposite where you feel the pain. If it gets worse or you are unable to get comfort from the pain, notify your provider. Generally speaking, this pain is short lasting like round ligament.

Mild Swelling
Later on in the pregnancy, you may notice mild swelling in your hands and/or feet. As your body fluid increases, it can be challenging for your blood vessels to hold it all and some fluid will seep into the intercostal space causing swelling. The best thing you can do for swelling is drink water and put your feet up. If the swelling becomes severe and effects more than just hands and feet it could be a sign of high blood pressure and that should be checked out by your provider.

What mild discomforts have you dealt with?

1 comment:

  1. With each pregnancy, my discomforts increased in intensity. I always had terrible back aches, shortness of breath (I have a very small torso), heartburn, and swelling of my feet and ankles in the third trimester.


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