Saturday, August 13, 2016

An Honest Doctor

Today I wanted to share a personal note from my doctor's appointment this week. It is so important to know that you can trust your doctor to give you an honest opinion on what to do. I'm tired and really, really ready to meet my baby. On Wednesday, I had my weekly appointment and talking with my doctor about what to do, he said, "I am on call Friday so we could induce you if you wanted but honestly I'm much more comfortable letting nature take it's course than inducing labor."

I was shocked, but remembered this is why I chose him has my primary OB. I said, "Thank you for being honest about what you think is best and not pushing an induction." It was so nice to hear an honest opinion, than him just telling me what he thought I wanted to hear.

This is so important when choosing a care provider. I know there are some places where it is difficult to find doctors like this, and so sometimes you have to go above and beyond to really educate yourself on what is best. But when you have the ability to choose, choose wisely, Sisters. Ask a lot of questions and get recommendation from people who you can trust.

What questions do you ask? What's important to you?

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