Tuesday, July 19, 2016


So who out there is big into nesting? It is often associated with the last trimester of pregnancy and getting prepared for welcoming a new baby into the home.

I will say, nesting as not really been huge for me in the past. The biggest reason I've struggled with nesting is I hate cleaning, especially with cleaners. I hate the smell. I hate the residue that it leaves behind. I hate the way they make my hands feel. On top of this, most cleaners should not be used while pregnant.

This last pregnancy, I have started using Norwex, and it has helped so much with cleaning! Primarily I use the Envirocloth to do much of my cleaning because you can clean almost everything with it and it picks up 99% of bacteria and viruses. I know when I use my Envirocloth, my house is getting clean. Best of all I can clean with just water. No smell. No residue. No weird feeling on my hands. I can just clean! And, my kids can get involved too. Always nice when preparing to add another child to the mix.

There are many other products that help so much in just the day in and day out cleaning to keep things clean for welcoming a new babe into your home. I have been so happy with these products and so thankful that I gave them a chance.

So what does nesting look like for you?

Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant

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